Hosur Ashok Leyland new labour wage agreement comes to stream

Ashok Leyland is the second-largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in India, the third-largest manufacturer of buses in the world, and the tenth-largest manufacturers of trucks.


Hosur Ashok LeylandThe new labour wage agreement in  Hosur Ashok Leyland unit has been signed recently in October.

Ashok Leyland is one of the first players in the manufacturing sector to set up its unit in Hosur industrial town in Tamil Nadu. Currently it has two units in Hosur, both in Sipcot 1 and Sipcot 2.

According to sources, as many as 1,629 employees are working in Ashok Leyland Unit-2. As the factory is currently running in two shifts, around 2,500 contract labours are on jobs.


A sum of Rs 20,280 yielded as the benefit of this agreement, said an office bearer attached to the Union led by Mr Michael Fernandez. As the agreement has been delayed for 15 months, he said the employees will get Rs 1.04,320 calculated on the basis of 36% interest as compensation.

Hosur Vs Ennore plant salary

One of the major demand of the union is equal salary for the Hosur employees as they get in the company’s Ennore plant. The employees joined at the same time are getting around Rs 10,000 less as compared to Ennore plant employees. In the current agreement, the Dearness Allowance (DA) calculating method has been changed as 26 days as in Ennore plant that will benefit the employees in longer term.


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The 10% increment has been agreed in this agreement as compared to 12% in the previous pact, which is better at the time when the company is claiming that it incurred loss due to Corona pandemic, says a member attached to Michael Fernandez union. He also said the union leader managed to get two festival advances and bonuses this time.

Ashok Leyland was founded in 1948 as Ashok Motors and became Ashok Leyland in the year 1955. Ashok Leyland is the second-largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in India, the third-largest manufacturer of buses in the world, and the tenth-largest manufacturer of trucks.

Also Read : Ashok Leyland set ups Oxygen generator plants in Hosur government hospital

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