IARET to conduct Autoimmune disease awareness programme in Bangalore

The programme will have workshop and lectures by experts and counselors along with a medical exhibition on immune system, rheumatology & auto immune diseases.


autoimmune diseaseThe Immunology & Arthritis Research & Education Trust (IARET) is conducting an awareness programme on Autoimmune Disease & Lupus on the occasion of World Lupus Day-2023 in Bangalore.

The event will be carried out in association with Indian Rheumatology Association (IRA) and its Karnataka chapter (IRA-KC) along with ChanRe Rheumatology & Immunity Center & Research (CRICR), ChanRe Diagnostic Laboratory (CDL) and Nagarathna Srikantiah Paramedical College (NSPC).

To be held on May 12, 2023 at Ravindra Kalakshethra, the programme will have live demonstration of yoga, workshop and lectures by experts and counselors along with a medical exhibition on immune system, rheumatology & auto immune diseases.

The event is aimed to increase awareness and raise the fund to assist patients suffering from autoimmune disease and Lupus. All the proceeds of the event will be directed to Lupus Support Fund to help needy patients.

Also Read : Lupus Research Awards 2023 announced

(With inputs from The OnLook News Research Bureau)

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