Persavita to test its natural health product in Covid-19

Preparing for a clinical trial of its experimental product composed of three natural ingredients with immune modulating properties


PersavitaPersavita is gearing up for a clinical trial to test its experimental natural health product in Covid-19.

The company is gearing up to test this experimental product in Covid-19 patients through a phase 2 clinical study already authorized by Health Canada.

Dr Mahmood Piraee, founder of Groupe Persavita Inc and a community pharmacist in Montreal, believes that the new product has the potential to help Covid-19 patients in multiple ways.

Immune boosters

According to Persavita, its experimental product is composed of three natural ingredients with known immune modulating properties.

With the state of hyper-inflammation led by ‘cytokine storm’ being claimed as the major cause of severe illness in Covid-19. Dr Piraee is keen to answer the big question through this clinical trial: “could this product help Covid-19 patients recover faster with less severe symptoms”?

As the Covid-19 projections are ‘alarming’, this clinical study is being viewed as upmost importance for public health.

He said that he was grateful to our clinical research subcontractors and Health Canada that have been extremely helpful during the preparation of the protocol for their clinical study.

(With inputs from The OnLook News Research Bureau)

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