Avoid these 5 foods for healthy heart and sound lifestyle

The researchers and scientists discovered that consumption of foods that are high in antioxidants and fiber can help you to fight inflammation in the body.


French friesFood items that are rich in trans-fats, carbohydrates and sugar, etc. are always associated with diabetes and obesity etc. So experts asks you to avoid five foods suggested here to have healthy heart. 

They are also linked with increased inflammation in the body. But many may not know these inflammatory foods may also enhance the risk of strokes and cardiovascular diseases,

A recent research reveals that foods such as processed meat, red meat, sugary beverage etc. increase the heart issues as against the diet packed with anti-inflammatory foods. These findings were reported in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC).

The JACC research included more than 210,000 participants who completed a survey every four years that listed down their intake of dietary.

According to a study posted on the website of American College of Cardiology, “The researchers used an empirically-developed, food-based dietary index to analyze levels of inflammation linked with dietary intake that was based off 18 predefined food groups. This showed the strongest associations with an increase in inflammatory biomarkers.

After their study, the scientists discovered that consumption of foods high in fiber and antioxidants can help fight inflammation in the body. Foods like  pumpkin, beans, carrots, yellow peppers, whole grains and off course green leafy vegetables can do this work properly.


Avoidable 5 inflammatory foods

Red meat – Red meat ranks in the top for doctors recommend to avoid during any health-related disorders like heart disease, obesity and diabetes etc. It is high on fat and leads to inflammation in the body.

Refined grains – Because of its finer texture, Refined grains became a preferable option in a recipe. But they lose vitamins minerals and other important nutrients in while refining them. This results in hampering the anti-inflammatory effects of grains.

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Refined sugars – Refined sugar are not good for health and it may lead to inflammation in body. This may counteract the positive effects of other healthy nutrients that you consume in your diet.

Fried foods – If there one food that are good in taste but bad for health, they are fried foods. You can list out fried eatables like French fries, pizzas, burgers and onion rings. They are high on trans-fat, so it will lead to multiple health issues.

Soda – This is yet another food item that is high on trans-fats and added sugar is soda or sugary beverage.

(With inputs from The OnLook News Research Bureau)

Read more: These vitamin B12-rich foods keeps your worries away in winter

Disclaimer: The health, beauty and food tips-based stories published in The OnLook provides generic information gathered from experts. Always consult your doctor for more and specific advice.

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