COVID-19: Few tips on diet to keep your immunity high

Although there is medicines out yet for Covid-19, here comes some tips from doctors on how you can modify your diet pattern to make your body less-prone to illness and provide it the strength to power through.


Although there is no medicines out yet for Covid-19, here comes some tips from doctors on how you can modify your diet pattern to make your body less-prone to illness and provide it the strength to power through.

All of us know the phrase ‘food is medicine’ due to their integral medicinal and healing properties for the human body.

The best medicine to save you from diseases and viruses is not Allopathic or Ayurvedic ones. But absolutely it is the food you eat.

In the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, it is important what we eat.

Strengthening immunity and boosting our physical and mental wellbeing is of the utmost importance in these rough periods.

Here are some suggestions on how we can alter our diet to keep our body fit.

A variety of vegetables and colourful fruits are an absolute must in the daily diet. The fruits contain all the essential vitamins, which will boost the  immune system and help keep diseases away.

Foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach consists of good compounds that help in cell proliferation, or rapid growth of new cells in the body. This is an important component of immune system’s health. Hence these foods are important.

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Vitamin C-rich foods are also very important to add in the daily diet to keep the immune system healthy and functional. Citrus fruits including lemons and oranges can help with inflammation and check infections from spreading in the body.

Another important component increase immunity is the Omega-3 fatty acids. These good fats can be found in nuts and seeds such as flax or chia seeds. They build a healthy and good immune system, researchers say.

Apart all, probiotics and fermented food are packed with good bacteria that help in maintaining a healthy gut. The gut is where 70 percent of immune system is housed. That’s why probiotics such as yogurt or kombucha can be a wonderful addition to the diet.

(With inputs from The OnLook Research Team)

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Also Read : Zinc-driven foods to boost immunity against Covid-19 during winter

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