Hosur Corporation needs multi-zone structure on growing population and area

Population of Hosur City increased to 3, 20,880 people from 2, 45,354 in the past 10 years.


Hosur Corporation

Article by ‘JMC’ Jaishankar Jayaramiah
Hosur City Municipal Corporation needs to be divided into zones for effective management. It also needs more staffs to handle increasing work load.

Hosur was upgraded as Corporation in 2019. Added with adjoining areas like Mathigiri town panchayat, Avalapalli, Mookondapalli and Chennathur village panchayats, Hosur Municipal Corporation emerged as a giant city in Northern Tamil Nadu.

Creating zones with adequate administrative infrastructure becomes mandatory as the population and area of Hosur have grown manifold in the past 10 years. The staffs too are in the need of more facilities, status and allowances. Particularly in the current Covid pandemic period, Hosur Corporation employees are doing commendable jobs- especially in the areas like sanitation and water supply.

According to sources, the area of Hosur Corporation expanded into 72.41 square kilo meters as compared to 11.71 kilo meters 10 years ago while the population that stood at 2, 45,354 as per 2011 census increased now to 3, 20,880 within 10 years.

Corporation Employees Conference

Hosur Corporation
Corporation Employees Association District President Mr.Suresh Kumar addressing the district level conference in Hosur

The demand for Zonewise operation, requirement of more staffs, adequate facilities and allowance for staffs were stressed in the Corporation Employees District level Conference held in Hosur recently.

Corporation Employees Association
Corporation Employees Association District Secretary Mr.Narayanan addressing the district level conference

President Mr Suresh Kumar presided over the conference in the presence of Secretary Mr.Narayanan. The office bearers have aired various demands in the conference.

The demands included that the Corporation should be divided into four zones with separate offices and officers. More than 250 staff including Engineers, Sanitary Inspectors & Staffs and Tax Collectors should be appointed to handle growing work load in the Corporation.

Hosur Corporation
Staffs of Hosur Corporation participated in the conference
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Also, the Corporation Staffs should be given with complete government employee status as to get the benefits of salary disbursements through Treasury as in other departments.

Importantly, as Hosur attained Corporation status, the employees should also be provided with house allowance and town allowance.

In addition, the contract workers attached to Hosur Corporation should also be made as permanent government employees.

Also, the Corporation should have Public Relation Officer (P.R.O) for communication purpose.

Employees Association District Vice President Mr.Sundaramurthy, Tamil Nadu Government Employees Association District President Mr.Natarajan, Treasurer Mr.Devarajan, Former District Secretary Mr.Jayaraman, Mr.Shiva, Mr.Venkatesh, Mr.Anand Kumar, Mr.Chandrasekar among others participated in the meeting.

The OnLook Observation

As per sources, The OnLook observes that currently the Corporation has around 190-200 employees and another 500 workers on contract basis. It needs adequate Engineers and Sanitary Staffs. For the current scale of operation, the Corporation should have atleast eight Engineers, four for Civil work and the remaining four for water supply, civic experts opined.

Also Read : TN Chief Minister launches ‘doorstep healthcare’ scheme in Krishnagiri district

Way back in 1962, Hosur was constituted as a Selection Grade Town Panchayat and in the year 1992, it was upgraded to Second Grade Municipality and to Selection Grade Municipality in the year 1998.

It was made as Corporation two years ago considering the population, the growth in annual income and the level of civic services to be provided towards fulfilment of the basic needs of the growing population of Hosur and to improve the standard of living of the people.

It may be noted that Hosur is one of the biggest industrial clusters in Tamil Nadu, located in Krishnagiri district.

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