Bollywood fitness freak Malaika Arora has started rocking in Yoga after a little break.
The actress recovered from Covid-19 recently and began setting fitness goals for her fans by performing yoga asanas.
In her latest post on Instagram, she performs Parvottanasana (Pyramid Pose).
Fitted in a royal blue sports bra and Yoga pants, Malaika Arora performs one of this important Asana with ease.
How to do?
She asks her fans to bend down into a downward-facing dog pose, which is also called Adho Mukha Svanasana, then smoothly inhale while also bringing right foot forward to the inside of right hand.
Instructs to draw left foot at 45 degree angle with the right foot toes pointing the shorter edge of the mat and then align your heels.
Then slowly lift your torso up while turning your face the same direction as your front foot.
As you exhale, the Bollywood yoga expert asks to reach your arms behind your back. Clasp each elbow with the opposite hand. If your shoulders are flexible enough, you can even bring your hands into reverse prayer position.
She also wants you to maintain the length of spine while keeping the crown of your head extending forward and your tailbone reaching behind you.
Hold on this Asana pose for 10-15 seconds and release the posture in relax.
What are its Benefits?
Parsvottanasana pose is capable of calming your brain and flushes out the sinuses with mild inversion. In addition to elongating the hamstrings, strengthening the legs and stretching the spine, this Yoga asana also supports in digestion and improves posture.
(With inputs from The OnLook News Research Bureau)
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